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The Importance of Diagnosis in Tubal Infertility

Diagnosing tubal infertility is of utmost importance. In fact, the diagnostic process may be even more critical than the treatment itself. If we fail to accurately diagnose whether there is tubal blockage, the location of the blockage, and the degree of obstruction, we run the risk of misguided treatments and even misdiagnosis.


Mild adhesions and blockages could be mistakenly exacerbated into severe adhesions and complete blockages. Relative infertility conditions could be wrongly categorized as absolute infertility. Therefore, the best diagnostic method for tubal infertility is dynamic digital hysterosalpingography (DDH).

Many hospitals shy away from performing DDH due to concerns about the discomfort caused to patients. Instead, they opt for simpler imaging methods like traditional X-ray imaging. However, the downside of traditional imaging is that it sometimes fails to capture pathological images, leading to potential misdiagnosis.

To address this issue, Beijing Antai Hospital has acquired a small robot. This robot autonomously administers iodine contrast based on each patient’s specific condition. It injects the contrast into the uterine cavity, fallopian tubes, and pelvic cavity, eliminating the need for invasive procedures. As a result, we highly encourage patients to undergo dynamic digital hysterosalpingography at our hospital.

Another advantage of DDH is that it provides not only dynamic visualization of blockages and patency in the fallopian tubes but also assesses the degree of obstruction and functional loss. This information is crucial for determining appropriate surgical interventions and selecting the right specialists, especially in cases of severe tubal diseases. Tubal surgery requires delicate handling due to the fragile nature of the fallopian tubes. Inadequate surgical techniques can lead to secondary complications and further damage.

Therefore, the choice of equipment, technical expertise, and surgeon selection are all pivotal factors. Dynamic digital hysterosalpingography not only eliminates the discomfort associated with invasive procedures but also enhances the precision and accuracy of imaging. Unlike static imaging methods, it allows us to identify issues such as tubal diverticula and leaks, which may go undetected otherwise.

Hence, for individuals suspecting tubal infertility, it is imperative to undergo dynamic digital hysterosalpingography for an accurate diagnosis. By leveraging this advanced imaging technique, we can ensure optimal treatment decisions, improve surgical outcomes, and provide the best care for our patients’ reproductive health.

标签:tubal blockagetubal infertilitytubal iodine oil contrasttubal obstruction 上一篇: 下一篇:


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